Index for 04/17/2004 MAITREYA (Conversations with) 1. I've just visited the Hubble telescope site and the pictures taken of the universe are just awesome. God, who created all this, is concerned about us puny, fragile, egoistical humans? 2. That is what Islam teaches. 3. Are there other planets with humans/beings with the same Goal (Pure Consciousness) in the universe? 4. People with dual or multiple personalities showing different manifested natures at different times; this is not just mood swings, is it? Or are there multiple selves? 5. You have come and 1,000 year old prophecies are fulfilled. What are some of your prophecies of things to come? How will the tribulation period be like? 6. Will there be doomsday-like type of scenario? 7. Placing The Greatest Sign on our front doors, will that help for tribulation/doomsday to pass over our area? 8. I asked that question because many people are attached to a lucky charm. 9. While in conversation with a friend on Pure Consciousness, the question of when we can reach the Goal was brought up. 10. Why do we use the Buddha statue to symbolize the Eternal Divine Path? The Maitreya logo that shows Maitreya sitting on the chair. 11. How does one channel the energy after or during meditation, e.g., how do I channel it to Communities of Light or the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth? This is the second step of Eternal Divine Path, right? 12. Is this the New Order? Why do some quarters say that the New Order is from Satan (Maya)? 13. In my New Testament, which is from 1984, Revelation 10:7 did not make sense. Now I see on the Danish Bible site that it has been changed to "the mystery of God is finished." Another sign from God! 14. You have written that only the tama guna can destroy the Soul. Is this final as in "no more soul," or is it a transformation as, nothing can be destroyed? One more please.