Maitreya, Calling Elects! Index 09-02-2006 1: The Lines drawn in the Sand 2: God has a Plan, a Vision, for the earth and the whole universe. 3: The Message has been given! 4: Web site upgraded 5: The Duty to reach out 6: Creating the right Environment 7: Bring the Spirit of God into your lives 8: Swimming against the tide 9: Please use me to manifest His realm. Guide me, please. Step forward and do the will of God. How will I know the proper course of action? Should I remain in this marriage? Should I take the job out of town? Where will I fulfill my mission? 10: What you can do inside the Mission and for the Mission. 11: Leaders, Teachers, and Supporters 12: The free will of man, the choice of man vs. to follow God's Will, the true Revelation of God... 13: Choose Wisely, choose God 14: No one knows the best answer for a person than the person himself or herself. 15: Marriage 16: The 4 persons most important in our lives (the hierarchy of beings): God, spiritual teacher, parents, spouse. 17: Is this room interested in Jesus Christ as a Teacher?