Maitreya, Calling Elects! Index 11-04-2006 1. Great events happening on the earth now 2. There is a Logic behind Creation 3. To turn around, to follow the Eternal Divine Path is the greatest goal on earth 4. The Message has been perfected, now It is perfect 5. To Be(come) Divine is the Goal 6. To go beyond the mind, Experience God 7. You cannot explain Eternity 8. The Mission is here to call the Elects, the 144,000 9. The Elects are chosen from many incarnations 10. This Mission is for everyone 11. The last Revelation would come at the end time 12. Peace on earth will come with the creation of the Communities of Light 13. The free will of man is only two : choosing God or not choosing God 14. Question : Maitreya Ji: Salom! A small question: Is it not injust that only '144, 000' are elects? Why destiny is moulded in such a way that only a few will be selected and the rest will be destroyed in an atrocious way? I mean why not all the souls of the universe are not allowed in the New World, is it not unfair? 15. This Revelation clears all the truths 16. Another important question: Is it possible to follow GOD 50% and ego 50%? 17. For me, I always thought 100% GOD is to abandon my material life and go and meditate in the woods and forest and concentrate ONLY ON GOD and forget my studies, love life, family, etc... Is it like this (turning to God 100%)? 18. The Message is the miracle; the miracle is the Message