Maitreya, Calling Elects! Index 12-02-2006 1. Thanksgiving is the first law, to thank God all the time. 2. It's happening on earth now as God has said. 3. There is a purpose in this creation. 4. The peace will only come when humanity will see that there is a God and will follow His way 5. Creation is not created by chance; there is a very serious goal. This has to be understood and teached to our children 6. We are all from the same God... this is the message we have to give to everybody 7. Each individual has to face himself or herself... to start to change 8. Could you talk a bit about the history of the Ananda Marga religion, and why the Baba is the angel of the sixth seal (The Elects)? 9. Communities of Light are the only environment created to help people to progress on the Eternal Divine Path and reach the Divinity 10. "Subjective approach with objective adjustment," what did you mean by that statement? 11. Are you saying you're holy now? a perfect being? 12. In one of your power point presentations, you stated that Diana (one of many names including ISIS, ) was the Whore of Babylon. I found coin collectors that referred to this Diana on Roman coins as Diana Lucifera. Is there a lineage created from Lucifer, who is the tempter and destroyer, and one of the three forces of GOD. 13. Is there an end to this worldly life?